Want some one-on-one time with Nicole?

Nicole Middendorf

Want time with Nicole? One on One Coaching is available and can be customized for your individual needs. One month, three month or six month coaching programs. Nicole can help you design a program that fits your needs from a weekly to monthly topic depending on the level of growth you desire.

Topics you can choose from include the following:

  • Personal growth
  • Balance in life
  • Team Building and How to Grow your Business
  • Branding
  • Presentation and social skills
  • Book Publishing and article writing
  • Social Media
  • LinkedIn – Deep Dive to help you grow your network online and grow your business and your personal brand
  • Event planning, hosting and effective events
  • The Press – how to get on tv, radio, etc
  • How to find more happiness in life
  • Coaching customized to your needs

Program cost can range from $1,500 to $10,000 a month.

Reach out for Individual Coaching

To get started, please fill out the form and tell us what coaching topics are of interest to you. We will analyze your interests and connect with you to determine the best coaching plan for your needs.

How frequently would you like your coaching sessions?
How would you like to meet for your coaching sessions?
Which topics would you like coaching on?

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Nicole Middendorf has authored several books where readers can find financial secrets, advice, fresh ideas and strategies on how to get the most out of their money and business.